Two Poems

by A.D. Winans

Letting Go

a foot print in the mud
next to the public phone booth
you talking to your new beau
not noticing the love beads
I bought you in Mendocino
left behind in the circle of my footprint
like a tribal elder offering
a small piece of his heart


Lady Lynne

Lennox Massachusetts days and nights
lodged inside my brain
like tiny splinters beneath a hang-nail
my mind lost in a whirlwind of lust
that comes and goes
like a fevered dream

my words empty as a tramps pocket
as you allow me to probe the lining
of  your soul as we make love one last time
to the music of a thousand crickets rubbing
their hind legs in applause

A.D. Winans is a native San Francisco poet and writer. His work has been published in over 2,000 literary journals and anthologies. He is the author of 45 books and chapbooks of poetry and prose.

